About Jewelry

The four Cs of Diamonds
The four Cs of diamond means Color , Clarity , Cut , Carat weight .These 4 elements are used to compare and evaluate the quality of diamonds. The international Diamond Grading Systems and the four Cs are developed by GIA (Gemological Institute Of America) which acts as a resource of gem and jewelry information for the trade, the public and worldwide media outlets.

♦  Diamond Color 
How the color affects the value
Color refers to a diamond's lack of color, grading the whiteness of a diamond. Perfect pure diamond should be colorless. Most diamonds are pale yellow because of nitrogen atom. The more color a diamond has, the lower its value. But if pink or bluish diamond, higher its value.

Color grading
The diamond color dividing into different levels makes to compare the sample and famous color that ranges from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow).
GIA Diamond color  
D, E, F Colorless
G, H, I, J Nearly Colorless
K, L, M Faint Yellow
N, O, P, Q, R Very Light Yellow
S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Light Yellow

♦ Diamond Clarity
Inclusions of diamond determine the clarity. Inclusions are natural characteristics of a diamond, including such minerals or cracks. Type, nymber, location, size and apparent degree nclusions affect the diamond grading. In 20-40% of germ-quality diamonds, the contents can not be seen in naked- eye. All diamond clarity grading are done at 10 times magnification of the standard.

GIA Clarity
FL - IF Internal Flawless︰ no detectable inclusions under 10x magnification
VVS1 - VVS2 Very Very Slightly Included: Inclusions and blemishes are extremely difficult for a skilled grader to detect under 10 x magnification.VVS1 clarity higher than VVS2。
VS1- VS2 Very Slightly Included: Inclusions and blemishes are detectable under 10x magnification, and are frequently invisible to the naked eye. 。VS1 clarity higher than VS2。
SI1 - SI2 Slightly Included︰Inclusions and blemishes are not easily visible to the naked eye
I1, I2 and I3 Included︰Inclusions and blemishes are typically visible to the naked eye.

♦  Diamond CUT♦ 
Anatomy of Diamond:

One perfect diamond cut table occubies nearly 57% to 65% and depth 58% to 63% that moderately flimsy ,unablely naked eye seen bottom to be stardard. Diamond cut has the biggest impack on sparkle. The diamond facets allow the maximum amount of light that enters through its top to be reflected and dispersed back through its top. When a stone is cut too shallow or too deep ,the light that enters through the top is allowed to escape through the diamond's bottom and does not allow the maximum beauty of the diamond to be realized . 見下圖

According to GIA cut grading system, there are four types depending to the table percentage.
Small table percentage:53% ~ 60%
Medium table percentabe:61% ~ 64%
Large table percentage:65% ~ 70%
Very large table percentage:71% or above。

Perfect Hearts & Arrows Cut
The following picture shows symmetrical light pattern of eight Hearts and eight Arrows that become the most perfect and precise in the market.

Cutting function is to increase light reflection of diamond.

One meticulous diamond ,no matter in shape, has not only perfect cutting percentage but also carved properly, through different facet that light reflected and dispersed back through its top. It increases in value of diamond. Following pictures are the popular diamond shapes.

Heart Princess Square Emerald Radiant Round Pear Marquise Oval Cushion

♦  Diamond CARAT ♦ 
This is the weight of a diamond measured in carats. One carat is divided into 100 "points," so that a diamond of 30 points weights .30 carats. Carat-weight is one of the standards in determining a diamond's value. Most importantly, two diamonds can be of equal carat-weight, but their value can differ greatly due to their cut, color, and clarity.

About Jade ABC

♦  Jade A grade ♦ 
Unprocessed, unaltered 100% natural feicui is known as A grade 。Natural jade after alwalys wearing, be in touch with human skin and let jade be more lubricate and the wearer more pleasant

♦ Jade B grade ♦ 
Has undergone a bleaching process to clean the inside of impurities and inferior color. However, this process destroys the inner structure of the Feicui, leaving holes where the impurities used to be. These holes are filled with a type of clear polymer and then lacquered. This corrects all of the problems and leaves a highly transparent finished product that is known as B grade. But A grade Feicui values ten times more than B grade.

♦ Jade C grade ♦ 
It takes an already cut stone and adds color by dip-dying the stone. Color altered Feicui is known as C Grade that vary greatly in value with A Grade

♦ Color Of the Jade ♦ 
Color of the Jade: green, also white, brown, blackish, violet, reddish, yellow, often spotted.
This kind of jade has only one component , mostly are transparent or half transparent, no appearance of color. Examples of colorless jade are 冰種 and 璃種翡。This kind of jade is pure and spotless, glistening and transparent , perfect translucent representative.
This kind of jade is the same with colorless jade in having one component. There are gaps between particles, decreasing the transparency .So it appears cream or white.
Green is  the color of jadeite and most people's favourite color. To easily understand the color of jade, people use natural things to name the color as speech of figure liike ,emerald ,rice seedling green,   Blue water green etc.  Followings are classified from shallow to deep color .
(1)(Pea Green):relatively lighter tone, but  appear to be young and bright,  easily receive adolescent girls' favorites.   
(2)(Sun Green):clean color, vigorous and good texture,  already belongs to high grade .
(3)(Imperial green):This is the most valuable color of jade. Apart from natural , it makes more delicate, charming and luxurious and is  the first choice of collection.     
(4)(Green Oil): from green tone move to blue, dark color.  Overall appearance looks deep, dignified and slightly grey. 
(5) (Blue aqua green):Basic tone is mainly blue. A little green inside the blue color. 
(6)(Black Green):appears as green but can see green in the dark  , dark in the green if scan carefully . Change to green color under strong translucent light .
Purple jade is named as spring or mauve jadeite。
Black jade 's basic tone is pure black mainly and can have shallow or deep black color . But black jade doesn't change to green color under strong translucent light. 
Yallow and Red:
Yellow and red color are Fei colors,  are also called yellow jade and red jade. These two colors are the festival colors of chinese tranditional culture,  and mean good luck. 
Yellow and red color are Fei colors, are also called yellow jade and red jade. These two colors are the festival colors of chinese tranditional culture, and mean good luck.

About Pearl

♦ Pearl Color ♦ 
Freshwater (mussel) pearl mainly has four colors like white, pink, orange, purple color. South sea pearl has three colors like white, golden, black . Pearl color are in various shades. One important option to consider is pearl luster. Good quality shows soft rainbow color. Pearl color can be chosen by individual preference and no good or bad.

Freshwater Pearl
Freshwater Pearl




South sea Pearl



♦ Pearl Shape ♦ 
Due to different growth environment, every pearl has various shape. Pearl shape can be divided into perfectly round, oval , tear drop and baroque (irregularly shaped) cultured pearls . Round pearl is mostly valuable.

♦ Pearl Surface ♦ 
The cleaner the surface of the pearl, the more valuable it is. But some common high quality pearls have more or less little spots , bumps or cracks. So perfect spotless pear are very very rare.

 Pearl Size ♦ 
When other value factors are equal, larger pearls are rarer and more valuable than smaller pearls of the same type. If 10 to 20 mm in diameter, belongs to heavyweight pearl and priceless but irregularly shaped pearl is not involved.

♦ Maintenance ♦ 
When cared for properly, pearls can last a lifetime. The best way to care for pearls is to wear them often as the body's natural oils keep pearls lustrous. However, it's important to keep them away from household chemicals including perfume, makeup and hairspray. Chemicals found in these common products can dull the luster of your pearls. It is recommended that you put your pearls on last when getting ready and make them the first thing you take off when you come home. Before putting your pearls away, wipe them with a soft cloth and store them separate from other jewelry to avoid scratching their tender surfaces.